Prophet, Priest & King by Pastor Suresh

.The book of Joshua best describes the functioning of a Prophet, Priest and King.

.Moses represents the law, but only grace will take us into the promised Land.

.Joshua was Prophet, Priest & King -all together.


A Prophet takes God’s word to the people.

.Prophecy is not fortune telling.

.Prophets are trumpets in the church who warn people about sin.

Most of the Biblical prophets were running for their lives.

Characteristics of a Prophet

1). Strong and believes in scripture (Trusts God’s Word).

2). Prophet should be more teachable than others.

Maturity in a Believers life is best seen by how he handles criticism.

3). Prophet should not be easily swayed by emotions.

.A prophet looks at things objectively.

.Because of the Prophets’ negative consciousness, he has a negative and gloomy outlook towards life.


.One who stands between God & Man and intercedes for people.

Prophet: :God to Man

Priest:: Man to God

.Best Prophet and Priest: Jesus Christ

.The Message is transferred only when the medium is the message :: Jesus did It.

.Do we judge others? All that we are is by his grace.


.A King is one who serves, is concerned & responsible.

.The World thinks of Kings as people who do whatever they want.

Prophet ::Shares the truth.

Priest::Pleads for others.

King::Responsible for others.

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