Let me have an encounter with you, Lord.

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”Let me have an encounter with you, Lord.”
I woke up @4:30 am after which, I could not sleep (possibly due to change in shifts). The first thing hands reached out to was my phone and I started browsing through all the messages. My spirit prompted me to pray and (after much prompting) I did.
My dad woke up @5:00 am to prepare for our day ahead, preparing tea and food. I used that opportunity to leave the room and head to the terrace to pray.
As I prayed in tongues, the Spirit of God lead me to pray this prayer. 
”Let me have an encounter with you, Lord.”
And so I did. Then came the teaching. (1 John 2:27)
Every legend in the bible had a ordinary life like me. But, they became extraordinary after an encounter. 
An encounter with the Living God!
God walked with Adam. (Gen 3:8)
God walked with Enoch. (Gen 5:24)
God made a covenant with Abraham and walked, eat with him. (Gen 15)
God had a fight with Jacob and named him Israel. (Gen 32:22-32)
God spoke through the bush of Moses. (Exd 3)
-fast forward-
God spoke to Samuel causing a major shift in the history of Israel. (1 Sam 3)
God spoke to the major and minor Prophets leaving behind a trail for others to follow. 
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Mary had an encounter and a son was given, a babe born. (Luke 1:26)
Jesus had an encounter when the Holy Spirit rested upon him. (Matthew 3:13)
The apostles encountered the risen Jesus. (Luke 24)
Paul encountered Jesus on the way to Damascus. (Acts 9) 
EVERY legend had an encounter and their lives were never the same again. They knew the consequences and the responsibility of their decision. 
Adam hid when he saw what a traitor he was. (Gen 3)
Enoch had to leave his home preaching about righteousness. (Jude 14,15)
Abraham had to sacrifice his son which may have scared him emotionally for life. (Gen 22)
Jacob walked the rest of his life with a limp. (Gen 32:22-32)
Moses had to bear the burden of almost 2.4 million people (Exd 12:37)
-fast forward-
Samuel had to bear the weight of making Saul king (1 Sam 15:10 to 16:1)
The major and minor prophets were humiliated, spoken against and killed. 
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Mary had to bear the title of giving birth outside marriage and of the sword piercing her heart at the death of her love. (Luke 2:34)
Jesus died a excruciating death on the cross. (Entire Gospels) 
The apostles were beaten, ridiculed and killed. (Acts) 
Paul was stoned, prisoned and killed. (early Christian fathers)
@6:00 am, the sun rose and I saw the first light. And then it dawned on me (pun intended), when you have an encounter there is no turning back. 
When the sun shines, it drives away the darkness and its never same. You eyes see as far as the horizon. Your mind is filled with awe at the incredible sight. Your eyes see the surroundings and see yourself. Your body feels the heat.
When an creation like the sun dawns, life begins! It changes everything. Imagine this: What happens to you, when the Almighty Living God, walks into your life. 
When you have an encounter with the Living God, you CANNOT and WILL NOT stay the same. You see, everyone of us have been born again.
I truly believe, that I only experience true salvation when the Living God walks into my life with all his Splendor, Glory, Holiness, Majesty and Power. I may not survive it. But, this I know. If I do survive, I will be transformed entirely! I will NEVER be the same.
What do you think? Do you have it in you to ask the Lord to walk in? Do you have it in you to truly ask, knowing you won’t survive the experience?
Do you have it in you to say ”Let me have an encounter with you, Lord.”?


– Allan D’Souza