Freedom from Rejection by Pastor Siby

.Our Belief System is not wholly based on God’s word.

.God’s word sheds light on the areas of our life where we need to change.

Ezekiel 37:1-14 : Prophecy to the dry bones.

.God will cause us to Live.

.God will open areas of our life that are dead and lost.

.God accepts people the way they are.

.Many times, when there are words spoken without thinking, people end up getting hurt.

. We should never reject people whom God loves.

Rejection: A person or thing that is rejected, of a lesser quality according to a particular standard.

.There are many examples from the World and the Bible that show that people who have been rejected, have gone on to do great things.

What causes Rejection?

.Cain and Saul were rejected for their own mistakes.

.Joseph’s brothers and Leah were rejected because of favoritism.

.Sarah, Mary, Zechariah and Eli were rejected because of functional failures.

.Elijah and Jesus Christ were rejected because of their stand for the truth.

Reactions of  Rejection

1).Anger.  Eg: Cain, King Saul, Joseph’s brothers.

2).Low Self-Esteem. Eg: Abraham and Sarah.

3). Manipulation . Eg : Leah and Jacob.

4). Withdrawal of oneself .Eg: Elijah.

.We end up rejecting people because they have rejected us.

.Many people are rejected from their family because of  their faith.

.When standards are not met, we either get rejected or reject others.

How should  we respond to Rejection?

1).Acknowledge your rejection.

2). Find the root cause of your rejection.

.If we continue as his disciples, we will know the truth and the truth will set us free.

.Your past doesn’t determine your future.

.If others are rejected, they may end up rejecting us.

.Ask God to help us forgive those who rejected us and vice-versa.

.God is above our situation and will fulfill his plans and purposes for our lives.

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