Communion by Pastor Siby

Luke 22:15 : Jesus desires to have Passover with us

.Christ knew the flaws of each and every person with whom he was having the Passover. Yet, he chose love.


1Corinthians 11:23  : Jesus was betrayed

.All of us have struggles, we betray Christ on a daily basis.


1Corinthians 11:17-22 :Disunity in the church

.Jesus died for us , so that we can be overcomers. We don’t partake of the Communion as flawless people.

.We are flawless only because of  Christ’s victory on the cross.

Although we deny Him, have our own way and are flawed, Christ longs to have communion with us.


Message by Pastor Alvin/Knowing God’s will

In the Greek-New Testament, Will has two words:

Boule-Rational, conscious desire

Thelema- Impulsive and unconscious desire

Aspects of God’s will

1.Decretive Will :Decree of God over our lives that we cannot over-power.

2.Perceptive Will: God gives us a choice whether to obey or not.

3.Permissible Will : What is pleasing and acceptable to God?

2Peter 3:9 : God doesn’t want anyone to perish.

a. Salvation for you and me is God’s plan.

1Timothy 2: 3,4


1Thessalonians 4:3 (a)

1Peter 1:15-16

c. Rejoice always, Pray without ceasing , give thanks in all circumstances.

1Thessalonians 5:16-18

d. Good works

1Peter 2:5

Titus 3:8

e. Suffering for Christ’s sake

1Peter 3:17

1Peter 4:19


How do we know the will of God?

Proverbs 3:5-6


2.Don’t lean on your own understanding

3.Acknowledge the Lord.

4. Willingness to obey God

Isaiah 48:17-19

Psalms 40:8

Psalms 27:4,5,6 : Delight yourself in the Lord

5.Read the Word of God.

Psalms 119:105 :His Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path


Colossians 1:9-10

Matthew 18:19-20


Colossians 3:16


How can we be sure about God’s will?

1.Not conforming to the world

Romans 12:2

2.It is consistent with God’s word

3.Counsel of the saints

Proverbs 15:22

4.Peace of God that passes all understanding

Philippians 4:7


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